Last Updated: September 21, 2023

License Deadline: 9/30/2024

30 Hours

  • 30 General


License Deadline: 7/31/2025

20 Hours

  • 20 General

45 Hours

  • 23 Hours Live
  • 19 Hours General
  • 3 Hours Medication Errors
  • No carry-over credit is allowed

30 Hours

  • 30 General

45 Hours

  • 23 Hours Live
  • 19 Hours General
  • 3 Hours Medication Errors
  • No carry-over credit is allowed

45 Hours

  • 23 Hours Live
  • 19 Hours General
  • 3 Hours Medication Errors
  • No carry-over credit is allowed

45 Hours

  • 23 Hours Live
  • 19 Hours General
  • 3 Hours Medication Errors
  • No carry-over credit is allowed

Minnesota Board of Pharmacy

Minnesota Board of Pharmacy | CE Requirements

For more information please visit the Minnesota State Board of Pharmacy website by using this link. Here, you can find all of the up-to-date information, FAQs, and links to helpful sites.
Are you looking to verify your Minnesota pharmacist license? Click on this link and enter the required information to receive verification.

A pharmacist licensed to practice in Minnesota must renew their license by February 1st of every year while the CE requirements must be met by September 30th of every even-numbered year. If an application for renewal is submitted past March it will be considered expired and the applicant will be charged additional fees and not be able to practice.

Biennial Continuing Education Requirements

Required Subject Area

Required Number of Hours

Approved Pharmacist CE



Additional CE Requirements

Upon completion of CE requirements applicants must log into their account on the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy website and indicate that they have completed the required 30 hours of CE for that renewal period. The Minnesota State Board of Pharmacy does NOT collect this information by using outside sources. If a licensee is required to complete an audit, they must provide proof of CE completion to the Board within 6 days. 

We cannot guarantee this is the most up-to-date version of this code section. Please refer to the Minnesota Code for the most accurate information. Full Minnesota law can be accessed here. See below for important sections of Minnesota law that contain the requirements that a pharmacist must follow as it pertain to CE in Minnesota:

  • C. “Continuing pharmacy education” is a planned learning experience beyond a formal undergraduate degree program designed to promote the continual development of professional knowledge, professional skills, and professional attitudes on the part of the pharmacist and shall include but is not limited to professional postgraduate education in any of the following subjects:
    • (1) properties and actions of drugs and drug dosage forms;
    • (2) etiology, characteristics, and therapeutics of the disease state;
    • (3) pharmacy practice; or
    • (4) legal, psychological, and socioeconomic aspects of health care delivery.
  • D. “Continuing pharmacy technician education” is a planned learning experience beyond initial technician training designed to promote the continued development of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable a technician to adequately perform the tasks that a technician is allowed to perform under this part.”

Subp. 2. Minimum hours required for pharmacists; reporting.Beginning March 4, 1975, no annual license renewal shall be issued to a pharmacist under Minnesota Statutes, section 151.13, until the pharmacist has submitted to the board satisfactory evidence that the pharmacist has completed at least 30 hours of approved continuing education during the previous two-year period. Thereafter, a pharmacist shall submit the evidence every two years. Pharmacists exempted from the payment of all renewal fees and from the filing of any application for renewal under Minnesota Statutes, section 326.56, subdivision 2, shall also be exempted from the requirements of this subpart for a concurrent period of time. Beginning with the 1981-1983 reporting period, participation in continuing education shall be reported by September 30 of each even-numbered year. The board may grant a pharmacist, on application, an extension of time not to exceed one year to comply with the requirements of this subpart. The extension shall not relieve the pharmacist from complying with the continuing education requirements for any other two-year period. Each pharmacist is responsible for maintaining a complete record of the pharmacist’s continuing education participation during each continuing education reporting cycle.”

The state of Minnesota recognizes licensure of pharmacists in other states. For a licensee to transfer their status to Minnesota they must follow just a few steps. First, they must  access the NABP’s License Transfer Program and apply for transfer. Here is a link to take to that program if this includes you. Once the applicant has completed this, they must register to take the Minnesota MPJE through NABP and pay the required fees. Upon passing of the Minnesota MPJE, a criminal background check must then be completed. Once all of the above mentioned requirements have been met, the applicant is able to be licensed and practice in the state of Minnesota.

In the state of Minnesota a licensed pharmacist must complete at least 30 hours of CE every 2 years. This CE is due by September 30th of every even-numbered year and must be CE that is approved for a pharmacist.

The applicant for licensure must have good moral character and have completed a pharmacy program accredited by the ACPE. The applicant must obtain 1,600 intern hours, 800 of which encompass traditional compounding and dispensing. Take and pass the NAPLEX and Minnesota state MPJE. Submit the new pharmacist license application and required fee of $225 to the Minnesota State Board of Pharmacy here. Submit a criminal background check. Once all of these requirements have been met, the applicant may receive a license and practice pharmacy in Minnesota.

Finding engaging and affordable online CE is important for pharmacists in Minnesota. At this time there are no specific requirements on what topics your CE hours must encompass in the state of Minnesota, but in a fast-paced career like pharmacy it is important to stay on top of a multitude of topics. If you are looking for a live online CE that covers the topics to keep your skills sharp, you can unlock unlimited access to feeCE’s live calendar by upgrading to a Gold Membership. At one low price, you may access all of the CE you will need to renew your license each year in one place saving you time, money, and energy searching for options that fit your needs. Explore freeCE’s packages here.

freeCE has a wide variety of ACPE approved CE activities. freeCE adds new content to the catalog regularly to allow you to meet your requirements, but also choose activities that will interest you the most. freeCE activities are available both live and on-demands to cater to your needs. While there are currently no specific topic requirements needed for the Minnesota Pharmacist, freeCE’s catalog contains a diverse selection of topics to meet the needs of pharmacists nationwide.

Minnesota CE Requirements For Pharmacy Technicians

In the state of Minnesota, a pharmacy technician must renew their license on a biennial basis on odd-numbered years.

The pharmacy technician in Minnesota must complete a total of 20 hours of CE biennially by July 31st of each odd-numbered year. Technicians in Minnesota must notify the board when they have completed their required CE each year. The Minnesota State Board of Pharmacy does NOT collect this information using any outside sources.


Biennial Continuing Education Requirements

Required Subject Area

Required Number of Hours

Topics approved for the technician


Those interested in obtaining a pharmacy technician license in Minnesota must be 18 or older, have graduated from high school or equivalent, apply online with this application and pay any required fees. Once a technician becomes registered in the state of Minnesota they have 12 months to complete a Minnesota approved technician training program. Prior work experience does not count towards this training, though it is helpful! Once a registered technician completes this training, it is up to them if they would like to become nationally certified through the PTCB or NHA.

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