Florida Board of Pharmacy | CE Requirements | Live Cert

Last Updated: January 18, 2024

45 Hours

  • 23 Hours Live
  • 19 Hours General
  • 3 Hours Medication Errors
  • No carry-over credit is allowed

License Deadline: 9/30/2025

30 Hours

  • 26 General Hours, 10 of which must be Live Hours
  • 2 Medication Errors
  • 2 Controlled Substances


Is this your first renewal & less than 12 months from initial licensure?

5 Hours 

  • 1 HIV/AIDS
  • 2 Medication Errors
  • 2 Controlled Substances

Is this your first renewal & more than 12 months from initial licensure?

15 Hours 

  • 5 General Hours
  • 5 Live Hours
  • 1 HIV/AIDS
  • 2 Medication Errors
  • 2 Controlled Substances

License Deadline: 12/31/2024

20 Hours

  • 14 General Hours
  • 4 Live Hours
  • 2 Medication Errors

Is this your first renewal & less than 12 months from initial licensure?

3 Hours 

  • 2 Medication Errors
  • 1 HIV/AIDS

Is this your first renewal & more than 12 months from initial licensure?

12 Hours 

  • 9 General Hours, 2 of which must be Live Hours
  • 2 Medication Errors
  • 1 HIV/AIDS

45 Hours

  • 23 Hours Live
  • 19 Hours General
  • 3 Hours Medication Errors
  • No carry-over credit is allowed

45 Hours

  • 23 Hours Live
  • 19 Hours General
  • 3 Hours Medication Errors
  • No carry-over credit is allowed

45 Hours

  • 23 Hours Live
  • 19 Hours General
  • 3 Hours Medication Errors
  • No carry-over credit is allowed

Florida Board of Pharmacy

Florida CE Requirements For Pharmacists

Florida Board of Pharmacy licensees must renew their licenses biennially to maintain the right to practice.
Florida State Board of Pharmacy Renewal Requirements
The Florida Department of Health will renew your license when they receive:
  • Completed CE requirements – reported to CE Broker
  • Completed renewal application
  • Required fees
Renewal Process
  1. Go to www.flhealthsource.gov and select “Renew A License.”
  2. Log in with your Personal Identifying Information (PII).
  3. Select “Renew My License.” The “Renew My License” option will be visible on your dashboard at least 90 days before your license expiration date.
License Reactivation
If you need to reactivate your license from an inactive or retired status you must pay additional fees and meet specific continuing education requirements. To request reactivation requirements, contact the board office at info@floridaspharmacy.gov. If you have been on inactive status for more than two consecutive biennial licensure cycles, you may be required to sit for a special purpose examination or complete other requirements in order to reactivate your license.
Biennial Continuing Education Requirements
Required Subject AreaRequired Number of Hours
General Hours26, 10 of which must be live
Controlled Substances2
Medication Errors2


CE Requirements for Your First Biennium Renewal

There are specific continuing education requirements for your first biennium renewal. If you are renewing your license for the first time, you only need to obtain 15 or 5 hours of continuing education, depending on the time between your initial licensure date and your first renewal.

If your first biennium license renewal occurs 12 months or more after your initial licensure date:

Required Subject AreaRequired Number of Hours*
General Hours10
Controlled Substances2
Medication Errors2

*5 hours must be live

If your first biennium license renewal occurs less than 12 months after your initial licensure date:

Required Subject AreaRequired Number of Hours
Controlled Substances2
Medication Errors2


CE Requirements for Additional Certifications


• Immunization Administration Certification CE Requirement

If you are certified to administer a vaccine or epinephrine autoinjection, you must complete a 3-hour continuing education course as a part of biennial relicensure. This course may be taken online.

• Collaborative Practice Certification CE Requirement

If you hold a collaborative practice certification, you must complete an 8-hour continuing education course. If you received the collaborative practice certification less than 12 months from your certification date, you do not need to complete the additional 8-hour course.

• Test and Treat Certification CE Requirement

If you hold a test and treat certification, you must complete a 3-hour continuing education course.

The Florida Department of Health Division of Medical Quality Assurance will review your continuing education records through the electronic tracking system when you renew your license. This will happen automatically and without interruption as long as your records are complete. 

The board’s electronic tracking system is powered by CEBroker. There are several account type options for practitioners, including a free version, whereby you can monitor your progress.

50-Year Qualification

While pharmacists with a 50-year qualification who have held an active license in the state are exempt from fees, they are still required to meet the current continuing education requirements for license renewal.

Military Exemption

You must provide a copy of your orders to receive an exemption from license renewal requirements. Your orders—or your spouse’s orders—must provide the beginning and end date of the current enlistment. Commissioned officers may instead provide a letter from their commanding officer that provides the beginning and end date of their contract.

Public School Health Volunteer Exemption

You may be exempt from your renewal fee and up to 25% of your continuing education hours (not including the continuing education requirements for domestic violence, HIV and AIDS, or medical errors) if you volunteer your services in public schools for:

  • At least 80 hours a year if not retired
  • At least 400 hours a year if retired


Tracking CE in Florida with CPE Monitor


What is CPE Monitor?

CPE Monitor is an electronic tracking system provided by ACPE and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). It allows pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to easily track their completed continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits.

How does it work?

Continuing education providers report credits to CPE Monitor after a participant completes their program using the participant’s NABP e-Profile ID and date of birth. The Florida State Board of Pharmacy can then use CPE Monitor to electronically validate the completed credits.

64B16-26.103 Continuing Education Credits; Renewal.

(1) Prior to biennial renewal of pharmacist licensure, a licensee shall complete no less than 30 hours of approved courses of continued professional pharmaceutical education within the 24 month period prior to the expiration date of the license. The following conditions shall apply.

(a) Upon a licensee’s first renewal of licensure, the licensee must document the completion of one (1) hour of board approved continuing education which includes the topics of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; the modes of transmission, including transmission from a healthcare worker to a patient and the patient to the healthcare worker; infection control procedures, including universal precautions; epidemiology of the disease; related infections including tuberculosis (TB); clinical management; prevention; and current Florida law on AIDS and its impact on testing, confidentiality of test results, and treatment of patients. In order to meet this requirement, licensees must demonstrate that the course includes information on the State of Florida law on HIV/AIDS and its impact on testing, reporting, the offering of HIV testing to pregnant women, and partner notification issues pursuant to Sections 381.004 and 384.25, F.S. Any HIV/AIDS continuing education course taken during the second or subsequent renewal of licensure may be applied to satisfy the general continuing education hours requirement.

(b) The initial renewal of a pharmacist license will not require completion of courses of continued professional pharmaceutical education hours if the license was issued less than 12 months prior to the expiration date of the license. If the initial renewal occurs 12 months or more after the initial licensure, then 15 hours of continued professional pharmaceutical education hours shall be completed prior to the renewal of the license but no earlier than the date of initial licensure.

(c) Prior to renewal a licensee must complete, within the 24 month period prior to the expiration date of the license, a two-hour continuing education course approved in advance by the Board on medication errors that covers the study of root-cause analysis, error reduction and prevention, and patient safety. Hours obtained pursuant to this section may be applied by the licensee to the requirements of subsection (1).

(d) Five hours of continuing education in the subject area of risk management may be obtained by attending one full day or eight (8) hours of a board meeting at which disciplinary hearings are conducted by the Board of Pharmacy in compliance with the following:

  1. The licensee must sign in with the Executive Director or designee of the Board before the meeting day begins,
  2. The licensee must remain in continuous attendance,
  3. The licensee cannot receive continuing education credit for attendance at a board meeting if required to appear before the board; and,
  4. The maximum continuing education hours allowable per biennium under this paragraph shall be ten (10).

(e) A member of the Board of Pharmacy may obtain five (5) hours of continuing education in the subject area of risk management for attendance at one Board meeting at which disciplinary hearings are conducted. The maximum continuing education hours allowable per biennium under this paragraph shall be ten (10).

(f) Up to five hours per biennium of continuing education credit may be fulfilled by the performance of volunteer services to the indigent as provided in Section 456.013(9), F.S., or to underserved populations, or in areas of critical need within the state where the licensee practices. In order to receive credit, the licensee must make application to and receive approval in advance from the Board. Application shall be made on form DH-MQA 1170 (Rev. 02/09), Individual Request for Continuing Education for Volunteers, which is hereby incorporated by reference. The form can be obtained from the Board of Pharmacy, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C04, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3254. One hour credit shall be given for each two hours volunteered in the 24 months prior to the expiration date of the license. In the application for approval, the licensee shall disclose the type, nature and extent of services to be rendered, the facility where the services will be rendered, the number of patients expected to be serviced, and a statement indicating that the patients to be served are indigent. If the licensee intends to provide services in underserved or critical need areas, the application shall provide a brief explanation as to those facts. A licensee who is completing community service as a condition of discipline imposed by the board cannot use such service to complete continuing education requirements.

(g) Continuing education credit shall be granted for completion of post professional degree programs provided by accredited colleges or schools of pharmacy. Credit shall be awarded at the rate of 5 hours of continuing education credit per semester hour completed within the 24 months prior to the expiration date of the license.

(h) Continuing education may consist of post-graduate studies, institutes, seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops, correspondence courses, or other educational opportunities which advance the practice of the profession of pharmacy if approved by the Board. A course shall be approved prior to completion and will be evaluated by the Tripartite Committee using the standards found in Rule 64B16-26.601, F.A.C. Individuals must submit requests for course approval at least 45 days in advance of the program or course by completing the approved application form DOH/MQA/PH 112, (Rev. 6/12), entitled Individual Requests for Continuing Education Credit, which is incorporated by reference, and which can be obtained from http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-01636, and the Board of Pharmacy, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C04, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3254, or from the website located at http://www.doh.state.fl.us/mqa/pharmacy. Individuals seeking course approval must attach to the application a detailed program outline, overview or syllabus which describes the educational content, objectives and faculty qualifications.

(i) Any volunteer expert witness who is providing expert witness opinions for cases being reviewed by the Department of Health pursuant to Chapter 465, F.S., shall receive five (5) hours of credit in the area of risk management for each case reviewed in the 24 months prior to the expiration date of the license, up to a maximum of ten (10) hours per biennium.

(j) The presenter of a live seminar, a live video teleconference or through an interactive computer-based application shall receive 1 credit for each course credit hour presented, however presenter will not receive additional credit for multiple same course presentations.

(k) All programs approved by the ACPE for continuing education for pharmacists are deemed approved by the Board for general continuing education hours for pharmacists. Any course necessary to meet the continuing education requirement for HIV/AIDS, medication errors, or consultant pharmacist license renewal shall be Board approved.

(l) General continuing education earned by a non-resident pharmacist in another state that is not ACPE approved, but is approved by the board of pharmacy in the state of residence can be applied to meet the requirements of license renewal in subsection (1), above.

(m) At least ten (10) of the required 30 hours must be obtained either at a live seminar, a live video teleconference, or through an interactive computer-based application.

(2) Prior to renewal a consultant pharmacist shall complete no less than 24 hours of Board approved continuing education in the course work specified in Rule 64B16-26.302, F.A.C., within the 24 month period prior to the expiration date of the consultant license. The hours earned to satisfy this requirement cannot be used to apply toward the 30 hours required in subsection (1), above. However, if consultant recertification hours are earned and not used to meet the requirements of this paragraph, they may be applied by the licensee to the 30 hours required in subsection (1).

(a) If the initial renewal of a consultant pharmacist license occurs less than 12 months after the initial licensure, then completion of consultant courses of continuing education hours will not be required.

(b) If the initial renewal of a consultant pharmacist license occurs 12 months or more after the initial licensure, then 12 hours of consultant continuing education hours must be completed prior to the renewal date of the license but no earlier than the date of initial licensure.

(3) Prior to renewal a nuclear pharmacist shall complete no less than 24 hours of Board approved continuing education in the course work specified in Rule 64B16-26.304, F.A.C., within the 24 month period prior to the expiration date of the nuclear pharmacist license. The hours earned to satisfy this requirement cannot be used to apply toward the 30 hours required in subsection (1), above. However, if nuclear pharmacist license renewal hours are earned and not used to meet the requirements of this paragraph, they may be applied by the licensee to the 30 hours required in subsection (1).

(a) If the initial renewal of a nuclear pharmacist license occurs less than 12 months after the initial licensure, then completion of courses of nuclear pharmacy continuing education hours will not be required.

(b) If the initial renewal of a nuclear pharmacist license occurs 12 months or more after the initial licensure, then 12 hours of nuclear pharmacy continuing education hours must be completed prior to the renewal date of the license but no earlier than the date of initial licensure.

(c) All programs approved by the ACPE for continuing education for nuclear pharmacists are deemed approved by the Board for general continuing education hours for nuclear pharmacists. 

(4) Prior to renewal a registered pharmacy technician shall complete no less than twenty (20) hours of Board approved continuing education in the course work specified in Rule 64B16-26.355, F.A.C., within the 24 month period prior to the expiration date of the pharmacy technician registration.

(a) Upon a pharmacy technician’s first renewal, registrant must document the completion of one (1) hour of board approved continuing education which includes the topics of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; the modes of transmission, including transmission from a healthcare worker to a patient and the patient to the healthcare worker; infection control procedures, including universal precautions; epidemiology of the disease; related infections including tuberculosis (TB); clinical management; prevention; and current Florida law on AIDS and its impact on testing, confidentiality of test results, and treatment of patients. In order to meet this requirement, licensees must demonstrate that the course includes information on the State of Florida law on HIV/AIDS and its impact on testing, reporting, the offering of HIV testing to pregnant women, and partner notification issues pursuant to Sections 381.004 and 384.25, F.S. Any HIV/AIDS continuing education course taken during the second or subsequent renewal of registration may be applied to satisfy the general continuing education hours requirement.

(b) If the initial renewal of a pharmacy technician registration occurs less than 12 months after the initial licensure, then completion of courses of a pharmacy technician registration education hours will not be required.

(c) If the initial renewal of a pharmacy technician registration occurs 12 months or more after the initial licensure, then 12 hours of registered pharmacy technician continuing education hours must be completed prior to the renewal date of the license but no earlier than the date of initial licensure.

(d) All programs approved by the ACPE for continuing education for pharmacy technicians are deemed approved by the Board for general continuing education hours for registered pharmacy technicians. Any course necessary to meet the continuing education requirement for HIV/AIDS license renewal shall be Board approved.

(e) Prior to renewal a licensee must complete, within the 24 month period prior to the expiration date of the license, a two-hour continuing education course approved in advance by the Board on medication errors that covers the study of root-cause analysis, error reduction and prevention, and patient safety. Hours obtained pursuant to this section may be applied by the licensee to the requirements of subsection (1).

(f) Five hours of continuing education in the subject area of risk management may be obtained by attending one full day or eight (8) hours of a board meeting at which disciplinary hearings are conducted by the Board of Pharmacy in compliance with the following:

  1. The registratrant must sign in with the Executive Director or designee of the Board before the meeting day begins,
  2. The registrant must remain in continuous attendance,
  3. The registrant cannot receive continuing education credit for attendance at a board meeting if required to appear before the board; and,
  4. The maximum continuing education hours allowable per biennium under this paragraph shall be ten (10).

(g) At least four (4) of the required 20 hours must be obtained either at a live seminar, a live video teleconference, or through an interactive computer-based application.

Rulemaking Authority 456.033, 465.009 FS. Law Implemented 456.013(7), (9), 456.033, 465.009 FS. History–New 3-19-79, Formerly 21S-6.07, Amended 1-7-87, Formerly 21S-6.007, Amended 7-31-91, 10-14-91, Formerly 21S-26.103, 61F10-26.103, Amended 7-1-97, Formerly 59X-26.103, Amended 7-11-00, 10-15-01, 1-2-02, 1-12-03, 4-12-05, 5-26-09, 5-27-10, 9-20-12.

This is the latest version of Rule: 64B16-26.103 as of August 17, 2022. Please refer to the Florida Administrative Code and Florida Administrative Register for the most updated version of this rule.

The Florida Board of Pharmacy does not allow for reciprocity. However, it does practice Endorsement. There are different application requirements for U.S. Graduates and Non-U.S. Graduates.

For the full Florida Statute that allows an individual to be licensed as a Pharmacist in Florida through endorsement, click here.

U.S. Graduates who meet the following requirements may apply for licensure by endorsement:
  • An accredited pharmacy degree
  • Internship or work experience
  • Passing NAPLEX and MPJE exam scores
  • 30 continuing education hours in the two years preceding application if you have been licensed for more than 2 years prior to submitting your Florida license application
  • License verification 
For a full list of requirements and instructions visit the Florida Board of Pharmacy website.
Pharmacist Licensure by Endorsement for Non-U.S. Graduates
Non-U.S. Graduates who meet the following requirements may apply for licensure by endorsement:
  • 500 Florida internship hours
  • Internship or work experience
  • 4-year undergraduate pharmacy program graduate
  • Proficiency in English
  • Passing NAPLEX and MPJE exam scores
  • 30 continuing education hours in the two years preceding application
  • License verification 
For a full list of requirements and instructions visit the Florida Board of Pharmacy website.

Pharmacists in Florida must complete 30 hours of continuing education during each 2-year biennial cycle to qualify for license renewal. 26 hours must be general hours, and 10 of those must be live. 2 hours must be on controlled substances and 2 must be on medication errors.

There are specific continuing education requirements for your first biennium renewal. If you are renewing your license for the first time, you only need to obtain 15 or 5 hours of continuing education, depending on the time between your initial licensure date and your first renewal.

If your first biennium license renewal occurs 12 months or more after your initial licensure date, you must complete 15 hours of continuing education, 5 of which must be live. The 15 hours must include 2 hours of controlled substances, 2 hours of medication errors, and 1 hour in HIV/AIDS.

If your first biennium license renewal occurs less than 12 months after your initial licensure date, you must complete 2 hours of controlled substances, 2 hours of medication errors, and 1 hour in HIV/AIDS.

There are two routes to licensure in Florida: through examination and through endorsement. You can apply for a Pharmacist License on the Florida Department of Health Division of Medical Quality Assurance’s website.

Finding engaging, affordable online live CE is important for pharmacists in Florida, but it can be difficult to find what you need to meet your license renewal requirements.  If you are looking for free online live CE that covers topics including medication error and controlled substance CE, you can unlock unlimited access to freeCE’s live calendar with a Gold Membership. For one low price, you can access all the CE you need to renew your license in one place and save valuable time and energy finding multiple options that fit your schedule and professional needs.

Explore freeCE’s packages here.

The Florida Board of Pharmacy requires 10 hours of live CE. Traditionally, pharmacists can earn live CE through in-person seminars or meetings. However, you also have the option to earn these credit hours with online webinars. Online live CE fulfills all the requirements of in-person activities, including interactive Q&A sessions with the faculty, all while being fully digital.

If you struggle to fit in-person live CE into your busy schedule, live webinars may be an excellent option for you. Webinars come in different lengths and formats and cover a variety of topics, from general drug therapy activities to Florida board-approved specific topics, such as medication errors and controlled substances. 

 Online Live CEIn Person Live CE
Q&A with faculty

Credit-based on attendance (no post-test)

Accessible from any location

Interaction with other students 

Are you looking for online live CE? Look no further. freeCE has the most comprehensive webinar schedule around.

Pharmacists in Florida are required to earn CE covering specific topics, such as medication errors, controlled substances, and HIV/AIDS. These activities must be specifically approved by the Florida Board of Pharmacy to meet license renewal requirements. 

To help you find the CE you need to renew your license, freeCE has a wide variety of Florida-approved CE activities. We add new content to this catalog on a regular basis so you can not only meet your requirements each cycle, but you can choose the activities which interest you most. These activities are available in both live and on-demand formats and cover these topics from various angles.

Florida CE Requirements For Pharmacy Technicians

Biennial Continuing Education Requirements
Pharmacy Technicians in Florida must complete 20 hours of continuing education during each 2-year biennial cycle to qualify for license renewal. 4 hours must be live and 2 hours must cover medication errors.
Required Subject Area Required Number of Hours*
General Hours 18
Medication Errors 2
*4 of the 20 required hours must be live
CE Requirements for Your First Biennium Renewal
There are specific continuing education requirements for your first biennium renewal. If you are renewing your license for the first time, you only need to obtain 12 or 3 hours of continuing education, depending on the time between your initial licensure date and your first renewal. If your first biennium license renewal occurs 12 months or more after your initial licensure date, you must complete 12 hours of continuing education. The 12 hours must include 9 general hours (2 of which must be live), 2 hours of medication errors, and 1 hour in HIV/AIDS.
Required Subject Area Required Number of Hours
General Hours 9, 2 of which must be live
Medication Errors 2
If your first biennium license renewal occurs less than 12 months after your initial licensure date, you must complete 2 hours of medication errors, and 1 hour in HIV/AIDS.
Required Subject Area Required Number of Hours
Medication Errors 2

You must meet the following requirements to receive a Registered Pharmacy Technician license in Florida:

  • You must have completed a board-approved pharmacy technician training program
  • You must be at least 17 years old

Florida Board of Pharmacy Licensees must renew their licenses biennially to maintain the right to practice.

Renewal Requirements

The Florida Department of Health will renew your license when they receive:

  • Completed CE requirements – reported to CE Broker
  • Completed renewal application
  • Required fees
Renewal Process
  1. Go to www.flhealthsource.gov and select “Renew A License.”
  2. Log in with your Personal Identifying Information (PII).
  3. Select “Renew My License.” The “Renew My License” option will be visible on your dashboard at least 90 days before your license expiration date. 
License Reactivation

If you need to reactivate your license from an inactive or retired status you must pay additional fees and meet specific continuing education requirements. To request reactivation requirements, contact the board office at info@floridaspharmacy.gov.

If you have been on inactive status for more than two consecutive biennial licensure cycles, you may be required to sit for a special purpose examination or complete other requirements in order to reactivate your license.

Finding engaging, affordable online live CE is important for pharmacy technicians in Florida, but it can be difficult to find what you need to meet your license renewal requirements. If you are looking for free online live CE that covers topics including medication errors CE, consider unlocking unlimited access to freeCE’s live calendar with a Gold Membership. For one low price, you can access all the CE you need to renew your license in one place and save valuable time and energy finding other options that fit your schedule and professional needs.

Explore freeCE’s packages here.

The Florida Board of Pharmacy requires 4 hours of live CE. Traditionally, pharmacy technicians can earn live CE through in-person seminars or meetings. However, you also have the option to earn these credit hours with online webinars. Online live CE fulfills all the requirements of in-person activities, including interactive Q&A sessions with the faculty, all while being fully digital.

It can be difficult to find in-person live CE designed to meet your specific needs as a pharmacy technician and fit it into your busy schedule. For this reason, live webinars are an excellent option. Webinars come in different lengths and formats and cover a variety of topics, from general drug therapy activities to Florida board-approved specific topics, such as medication errors and HIV/AIDS. 

 Online Live CEIn Person Live CE
Q&A with faculty

Credit-based on attendance (no post-test)

Accessible from any location

Interaction with other students 

Are you looking for online live CE? Look no further. freeCE has the most comprehensive webinar schedule around, including a growing selection of activities designed specifically for pharmacy technicians.

Pharmacy technicians in Florida need 20 CE hours to renew their licenses. If you want to make the most of those hours, it’s important to find CE that meets your unique professional needs as a pharmacy technician. However, many available CE options are simply accredited for technicians, not designed for them. 

If you are looking for activities that will improve your skills and help you grow in your career, you can find what you need in freeCE’s growing catalog of live and on-demand activities created specifically with technicians in mind. Whether you are looking for on-demand activities, live webinars, or in-depth training on topics such as immunization or medication history, freeCE has a variety of options to choose from.

Do you want unlimited access to this growing catalog of pharmacy technician CE that meets your Florida requirements? Explore our packages here.

Pharmacy technicians have busy schedules and need a way to earn CE credit whenever and wherever. If you need CE fast, freeCE’s comprehensive catalog of on-demand is perfect for you. When you buy a freeCE unlimited CE package, you get 24-7 access to hundreds of hours of on-demand CE, with plenty of options designed especially to meet Florida pharmacy technicians’ needs.

freeCE’s on-demand continuing education activities come in a variety of formats including:

  • Webcasts: These video activities are perfect for technicians who enjoy both auditory and visual activities. These activities have many of the benefits of live CE but are available 24-7.
  • Monographs: These written activities are a great way to earn credit at whatever pace fits your needs. If you learn best by reading, freeCE’s monograph library has many activities for you.
  • Express CE: These bite-sized activities are designed so you can earn 0.25 hours of CE in 15 minutes or less. Perfect for fitting into a busy schedule, these activities let you earn credit between your daily tasks. 


If you want a convenient way to earn your CE fast, explore freeCE’s packages here.

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